
  1. A century's eyewitness: the history of Takow Port
  2. Revisiting 1879: in search of the story of the British Consulate at Takow
  3. The Street view in front of the Consulate
  4. The negotiations between the British consul Gibson and the Ching authority, Circuit Intendants Sian-De Zeng
  5. British medical missionary, Maxwell
  6. British consul Swinhoe on a biological survey trip
  7. Takow News

Revisiting 1879: in search of the story of the British Consulate at Takow

After undergoing the vicissitudes of time of laying in ruins, the 1879 built British Consulate at Takow finally resurfaces. We followed the winding path of theFormer British Consulate Hiking Trail, as if we were entering a time journey insearch of a story about the Former British Consulate at Takow. At the foot of the hill, four narrative scenes which were organized from the contents of the exhibition are adroitly blended into the setting and atmosphere of theConsulate. They are: British consul Swinhoe on a biological survey trip;British missionary James Laidlaw Maxwell performing medical treatment; the negotiations between the British consul Gibson and the Ching official, Sian-De Zeng,and Shaochuantou street view. Lifelike wax figures and the setting broughtvisitors back to 1879 and its historical ambience.


Inthe exhibition hall, there are the boundary stone of Taiwan customs and theV.R. (Victoria Regina) boundary stone, accompanied by old photographs andartifacts that are closely associated with the Treaty of Tianjin and theConsulate, in addition to painstakingly collected and compiled Takow news papers. Revisiting 1879 is a time space travel that takes you back to thehistoric sites where you can obtain first hand information while in search ofthe story of the British Consulate at Takow in person.


The British Consulate at Takow | Address: No.20, Lianhai Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City. Phone number: 07-5250100 | The Bureau of Cultural Affairs
Tel: 07-2225136. Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday AM10:00-PM07:00 (The box office will be closed PM06:30) Saturday, Sunday, and National Holidays AM09:00-PM07:00 (The box office will be closed PM06:30) Closing schedule:Every Wednesday is the historic site maintenance day (Operational as usual on national holidays)
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