
In the late Ching Dynasty, the British Consulate possessed independent jurisdiction, and a consul could exercise this jurisdiction. Comparable to how a court reviews cases, it involved volumes of documents and notes such as plaintiffs' and defendants' statements, witnesses' testimonies, evidence, indictments, written judgments, etc. The consul not only played the role of judge, but also prosecutor when the consul came across a criminal case. When cases involving a British citizen within the consul's jurisdiction were concerned, consular jurisdiction would be in effect. Once a judgment had been delivered (the minister reserved the right to review it), the consul was responsible for its enforcement, collection of fines and/or imprisonment. Force could be employed by the consul's constables for those who failed to comply. The consulate's jail was the place to hold the prisoners.

The British Consulate at Takow | Address: No.20, Lianhai Rd., Gushan Dist., Kaohsiung City. Phone number: 07-5250100 | The Bureau of Cultural Affairs
Tel: 07-2225136. Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday AM10:00-PM07:00 (The box office will be closed PM06:30) Saturday, Sunday, and National Holidays AM09:00-PM07:00 (The box office will be closed PM06:30) Closing schedule:Every Wednesday is the historic site maintenance day (Operational as usual on national holidays)
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